Some certificates and examinations are not covered under the work we provide under our NHS contract. These are referred to as “non-NHS Services” or “private services” and a fee is charged for these.
To ensure that our time and resources are properly managed we will often ask for payment in advance.
Some common examples of work that would carry a charge are listed below. These are guide prices and we reserve the right to alter them where it is reasonable to do so. These costs will be discussed with patients in advance of work being carried out.
If you want to discuss the cost of any non-NHS work that does not appear on the list below please call the Practice and ask to speak to the Medical Secretaries.
Fees are payable in person by card or cash at Holt Medical Practice or Melton Constable, or call reception to pay over the phone.
Service | Amount | Inclusive VAT? |
Fitness to Travel letter/certificate Jury Service Exemption letter Sickness notification letter Short miscellaneous letter to organisation | £30 | Yes |
Occupational Health Hep B (course of 3) | £150 | Yes |
Shotgun license form/letter | £50 | Yes |
BUPA / PPP / private claim form Holiday cancellation certificate Insurance claim for accident sickness Detailed miscellaneous letter to organisation | £48-£85 (discuss with GP first) | Yes |
Reports for medical insurance – cost dependent on complexity of report required | £75 – £200 | Varies |
Driver Medicals (HGV, PSV, Taxi, Boatman) Racing Drivers Medical (including ECG) | £125 £150 | Yes |
Power of Attorney (at the Surgery) Power of Attorney (patient visited at home) Mental Capacity (patient not visited) Mental Capacity (patient visited at home) Court of Protection (COP3) | £175 £250 £175 £250 £300 | Yes |