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Annual Appointments for Long Term Conditions and Blood Tests

From April 2024 – we will plan your annual reviews and/or blood test monitoring to coincide with your BIRTHDAY month.

This new system is designed to be simpler for everyone. Simpler for the patient to understand and safer for the Practice to administer. After the first year, it may also reduce the number of annual appointments that patients with long term conditions or who require annual blood tests, need to attend.

So, starting in April 2024, we will be changing the way we schedule these health reviews and annual blood tests. Rather than be subject to lots of different dates of reviews throughout the year, you will now be contacted and asked to book your blood test and/or review appointments during your birth month.

Which conditions require an annual health check?

If you have one of the following conditions, then often you are required to attend the Surgery for an annual health check.

  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Kidney disease
  • Coronary Heart Disease
  • Asthma
  • COPD
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Learning disabilities
  • Dementia
  • Severe mental health problems

Sometimes you may need an interim review (for example every 3 months, or after 6 months) in which case you will also be asked to book an appointment at this time.

Wherever possible, if you have more than one long term condition, we will try to reduce the number of different appointments you have to attend. However, it is possible that you will still need to attend more than once for your reviews.

Annual Blood Tests

Where we hope to save time is by ensuring that ALL the blood tests that you will require each year for ALL your annual reviews, are done in ONE main appointment, once a year. This should streamline the process and hopefully reduce the number of times you must attend for an appointment for each long-term condition you have.


During the first year to 18 months, this change could mean you are asked to attend earlier or later than you expect for your annual review.

For example;

  • If your long-term condition is usually reviewed in June however your birthday month is April you will be asked to attend earlier and then your annual review date will be April every year going forwards.
  • If your blood test monitoring appointment is usually in September however your birthday month is not until January, you will still be asked to attend in September (so there is no gap in your monitoring) and then again in January to bring everything in line with your birth month.

Please be reassured the change in recall system is clinically safe and any patients who require monitoring sooner will be contacted.

How will I be contacted about booking your Appointments?

You will be contacted by the Practice (as you are now) either via text message or letter when your long-term condition review is due.

You may need a blood test before the appointment, in which case the text or letter invitation will state this.

If you receive a text – You will receive either a pre-booked appointment or be provided with a self book link to give you a choice of time and day to attend.

If you receive a letter – You will receive either a pre-booked appointment or be asked to call into the Surgery to arrange an appointment at a convenient time for you.