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Blakeney Surgery public consultation

Holt Medical Practice’s application to close Blakeney Surgery

Holt Medical Practice’s application to close Blakeney Surgery

Holt Medical Practice has applied to the Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board (the ICB) for permission to close one of its three sites: Blakeney Surgery.

Between 1st August and 30th September holt Medical Practice held a period of public engagement where patient and stakeholder feedback were sought. Results of that engagement survey (together with the results of the other two community led surveys conducted before the official engagement period) were collated and presented to the ICB for consideration in January 2024.

In February the ICB recommended to the Primary Care Commissioning Committee (“PCCC”) that there should be a further period of engagement led by the ICB. This concluded in April. The ICB are due to make their final recommendations to the PCCC shortly, and a final decision on the application will be made at an extraordinary meeting of the PCCC on 7th May 2024.

Available information

We have put together a document that explains why the Practice has made this application, the ways we might mitigate the impact of either outcome of this application and details on ways patients can engage with this process. To view this document please see Holt Medical Practice’s application to close Blakeney Surgery (PDF).

This document is also available to view in Easy Read (PDF).

In addition to the detailed information above, at the public meeting on 1st August at Blakeney Village Hall, we gave a PowerPoint presentation (PDF) summarising the background to the application and possible options and ideas for mitigation in the future.

A patient survey will shortly be available for all patients to complete. It will run from 14th August to 30th September.

How to access the information

Patients can access the information within these documents in various ways:

  • From our website
  • By collecting hard copies – available at each of our Surgeries.
  • Through telephoning 01263 714336 and asking for copies.

For our most vulnerable patients, we will write to them individually to make sure they have access to all the information and a change to engage.

Easy Read versions of the detailed information and patient survey are available. These can be downloaded from the website and are available in hard copies at each of the Surgeries. These documents can be translated into other languages and are available in Braille. If you require these services, please let us know by asking at Reception or calling the above number.

How to provide feedback

Patients can provide their thoughts and feedback in several different ways:

  • By attending the public meeting
  • By putting their thoughts on a comment card and posting it in the dedicated boxes at each of our Surgeries.
  • By writing to us at the main Surgery address, marked FAO Katie Franklin.
  • By emailing us at:
  • By attending one of the drop-in sessions, run by Healthwatch, being run at various dates and times

During these sessions patients can drop in and discuss their concerns with a representative of Healthwatch and/or receive assistance to complete the Survey.

Many people have worked hard to ensure that this application and the opportunity for patients to share their views has been widely publicised. There have been texts, emails, posters, social media posts, letters, inserts in political circulars, public and local meetings, radio interviews, QR codes, local surveys, third party websites and it even made the television. The level of awareness of the proposal to close Blakeney Surgery is high.

Hopefully all the above will ensure a better and wider understanding within our community of why we have made the application and the things we all need to consider going forwards – and has raised awareness of the opportunities for all patients and stakeholders to engage, should they wish.

This engagement phase is being run with the assistance and oversight of Healthwatch Norfolk.

Thank you for your time in reading this information and sharing your views and comments with us.