
The future of health needs you

Did you know that findings from research studies are used by your GP, nurse or other health professional to enable them to offer you the most appropriate care?

Anyone registered with Holt Medical Practice could help shape the future of health care by considering and helping with research projects that you may be invited to participate in.

You may be approached by a member of this practice to help participate in a research project. Please consider patient information about the research carefully. This information may be sent to you or given to you by your nurse or doctor or other health professional to consider.

This practice is part of a network of General Practices in the East of England who host medical research on a regular basis. The network is called Primary Care Research Network East of England. Participation in any research is voluntary. You may refuse to take part in research without it affecting your usual medical care.

All network research has been approved by Research Ethics Committee and has Primary Care Trust approval. The Network is one of the UKs Clinical Research Networks and is supported by funding from the Department of Health.

Please review the NHS Research leaflet (PDF)

Dementia research

Join dementia research is a nationwide service that helps anyone in the UK take part in vital dementia research studies.

People with dementia, their carers, and anyone interested in research can sign up themselves or on behalf of someone else.

You do not have to take part in any particular studies. It is always your choice whether or not you take part.

You may find some of these websites helpful:

Join Dementia Research

Alzheimer’s Research UK

Phone: 0300 111 5111

Alzheimer’s Society

Phone: 0300 222 1122