The future of health needs you
Holt Medical Practice takes part in various clinical trials and studies. Any research project which is undertaken at Holt Medical Practice must be approved by a research ethics committee who ensure that any research undertaken is of a high standard, necessary and is ethical. They also ensure that people undertaking research are properly trained and have a duty of confidentiality.
When the surgery become involved in a research project you may be contacted to be invited to take part. Should you not wish to be contacted about these research studies again, please let us know this via an online form (found on the front page of our website) and we will code this on your record.
The research team work as part of the practice team and have a strict duty of confidentiality. We follow national guidance, regulations and the law when sharing information in your medical records. As part of our studies we may release anonymised information for research purposes.
All network research has been approved by Research Ethics Committee and has Primary Care Trust approval. The Network is one of the UKs Clinical Research Networks and is supported by funding from the Department of Health.
Please review the NHS Research leaflet (PDF)
Good Clinical Practice (GCP)
This is a requirement for anyone involved in the conduct of clinical research as it forms the standard and guidelines to which all research is conducted. The practice research team have undertaken training (GCP) to ensure that they are qualified to facilitate and deliver research within our primary care setting.
Current Studies
Dare2THINK – Preventing stroke, premature death, and cognitive decline in a broader community of patients with atrial fibrillation. Using healthcare data for pragmatic research. A randomised control trial.
Dementia research
Join dementia research is a nationwide service that helps anyone in the UK take part in vital dementia research studies.
People with dementia, their carers, and anyone interested in research can sign up themselves or on behalf of someone else.
You do not have to take part in any particular studies. It is always your choice whether or not you take part.
You may find some of these websites helpful:
Phone: 0300 111 5111
Phone: 0300 222 1122