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253 appointments were wasted in January due to patients not attending.

In January we had 42 hours and 10 mins of appointments that were wasted because patients did not let us know in good time that they could no longer make their appointments. This was equivalent to 253 appointments that could have been used by other patients who really needed them. Please let us know in advance if you need to cancel an appointment so we have time to reuse it.

For further information on our DNA data can be found here Did Not Attend

Test results

Hospital blood tests

If you have been asked to have a blood test by the hospital, then you can book a blood test appointment at Cromer Hospital, The Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital Kings Lynn or James Paget University Hospital.

GP surgery blood tests

If you require a blood test as part of your care at Holt Medical Practice, (not requested by the hospital) then you can book a blood test appointment at the surgery via via reception on 01263 712 461 or you may receive a text with a self-booking link allowing you the freedom to book your own appointment. Alternatively, you can contact us via the admin query form with your availability and reception will respond with a convenient appointment for you.

Getting your test results

If your test results show that you need further tests or treatment, we will contact you. If you result is normal you will likely not be contacted unless the GP still wishes to investigate your symptoms. However please do not hesitate to contact us if your symptoms continue.

Once a doctor has reviewed your test results, you can view them:

Questions about your results

If you want to talk to someone about your results, fill in an online form and someone will be in touch.