Blakeney Surgery update

Recent developments

We can now confirm that after a long period of uncertainty, Holt medical Practice (“HMP”) has been permitted to close Blakeney Surgery by no later than 7th November 2024.

Whilst this decision will be disappointing to some, we are hopeful that now we have a decision, we can look forwards with certainty and work with the community to find an alternative local site for medications collection and ordering to ensure the least amount of disruption to our patients.

The documentation

The detailed reasons behind why we applied to close Blakeney Surgery are set out in our submission document (PDF).

The Norfolk & Waveney Integrated Care Board (“NWICB”) then recommended that we be permitted to close the Surgery. A copy of those recommendations can be found below:

At the above meeting of the Norfolk & Waveney Primary Care Commissioning Committee (“PCCC”) on 7th May 2024, the voting members unanimously voted to support the ICB’s recommendation to allow Blakeney Surgery to close. A copy of those minutes will be available soon.

What happens now?

For now, absolutely nothing will change for any of our patients that currently collect or order their medication from Blakeney Surgery, or who use the services of the drop in reception.

The services currently offered from Blakeney Surgery will remain in place until you hear otherwise.

Our focus now is to find a suitable alternative (but still local) site where we can relocate the medications collection and ordering service. This would mean patients would still be able to collect and order their medication in or around Blakeney without needing to travel significantly further.

What are we going to do to minimise disruption to patients?

Over the next few weeks, we will be:

  • Collecting information from patients who collect their medication from Blakeney Surgery to ensure we are properly prepared to manage the pending change and to ensure no one is unreasonably disadvantaged at the point of closure.
  • Reaching out to local sites who may have sufficient space, parking and appetite to discuss the possibility of hosting the medication collection and ordering service from their site in the future.
  • Asking the local community to work with us to ensure that a local alternative can be found, and the impact of the closure is kept to a minimum.

To assist patients looking for more detailed information about how the future closure may or may not affect them, we will be providing a brief information leaflet (PDF) at the point of collection for Blakeney dispensing patients, and we will shortly create some frequently asked questions. These are a work in progress and will evolve as the process does.

What to do if you are personally concerned?

Please try not to worry. We are several months away from any change and at this stage in the process we have very little detail to share.

We will continue to share new updates with patients as and when they evolve and are hopeful that with local support for a solution, we will be able to keep the impact of closure to a minimum.

Healthwatch Norfolk may also be a useful source of reliable information or advice.