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Training practice

General practitioner registrar

We are fortunate in being selected as a training practice which means we may also have an assistant doctor with us who is planning to go into general practice. These appointments are usually for six months but can sometimes be up to a year. We benefit greatly from these doctors’ recent hospital experience, so please accept them as one of us.

Medical students

As a teaching practice, patients may also meet medical students in the surgery or accompanying the doctor on their calls. These students are going through a very important part of their medical training and your co-operation is extremely valuable and much appreciated. However, no intrusion on the privacy of the consultation will take place against the wishes of the patient.

Video recording

As a training practice video recordings are sometimes made of consultations. These are made for teaching purposes only. Video recordings are only done with your consent and you do have the right to refuse. However, we would stress that all aspects of general practice, including training, are governed by rules of strict confidentiality.

No examinations are filmed.

Training days

Holt Medical Practice closes once a month for 2 hours for staff training.

During this time, urgent calls will be answered by Medicom for urgent medical advice. This means that patients will be unable to come into the surgery for enquiries or to collection medication.

Reminders will be posted at all three surgeries in advance of each date.

Closures will take place during the first week of the month, on alternate Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Holt Medical Practice will closed between 12:30pm and 2:30pm.

Melton Constable and Blakeney will both close at midday; on Wednesdays Melton Constable will reopen at 3pm.